A patzer's quest
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
With so many Knights and chess blogs to follow, one can sometimes lose track and (God forbid!) forget to visit one of the sites on a given day. In such cases, RSS is an excellent tool to use. I didn't really use Thunderbird's RSS feature until I started to read the Knight's blogs. So, if you want to be instantly notified whenever someone posts, and avoid the hassle of going over each and every link in your already crowded Bookmarks toolbar, get an RSS reader (Thunderbird is good, and it can be used for email, too). To read the Boylston chess blog for example, you'd have to put this address into Thunderbird: (right-click on News&Blogs, select Manage Subscriptions and then Add) http://boylston-chess-club.blogspot.com/atom.xml
I use webmonitor for that, a great freeware tool suitable to track every sort of (or part of) website for updates.
Please note that Boylston Chess Club Weblog uses the feedburner service. Perhaps the easiest way to subscribe to my feed is to click on the following link - http://feeds.feedburner.com/BCC-Weblog - and follow the instructions. There are also icons in the "Syndication" section of my sidebar which will take you there.
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