A patzer's quest
Thursday, May 12, 2005
I've just discovered www.chessarea.com, a site maintained by a handful of romanian masters, aimed towards training and lessons. Seems interesting, especially that their rates are low, compared to what vendors on ICC, for example, charge. I'll have to investigate this further.It might be a good idea to have a personal trainer (one that I could afford), but I'm not very convinced that as an amateur without any lofty goals,playing just for the love of the game, I should spend any serious money on it...apart from a few books here and there.

I still believe that personal dedication and _time_ is what matters most. I mean, no trainer will study for me...they just provide learning material. And there is no shortage of that on the 'net.
That's sort of where I'm at. I know what I need to do, so why pay someone to tell me what I already know. The main benefit of a trainer would be helping me identify specific problems in my play and helping me review my games. But for now I need more slow games to be able to go over, so until I am playing more there is not much point in finding a trainer.
The Chess Teaching site may be interesting. Especially the exercises that you can find on this site. Furthermore the Chess Tactics site is a place you want to check out.
Very nice site! » »
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