A patzer's quest
Monday, April 25, 2005
Mate in one
After doing lots of tactical exercises, including those mate-in-N types, I would expect to recognize a mate in one when I have one...or when my opponent does, and it's his/her move. :) However, in this 3-minute game, I let 2 mate-in-one-s slip by (it would have been better to oversee a single mate in 2, yes, I know) and a few other tactical opportunities, too. Lucky me, my opponent also missed some shots, and I was the one to make the next-to-last mistake. I guess I need to go back to my PNG-s and PGN-s for a little more training...
Don't expect to see all these things in a 3 minute game so quickly. MDLM recommends slow games to have time to work on your thinking process. I had been showing massive improvements in my slow play but went to pieces in a hurry in the last G/15 minute game I played.
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